Innovation News

Celebrating the Art & Science of Innovation

Doug Hall & Maggie Nichols

Doug Hall

Doug Hall is a professional inventor, innovation researcher and author who believes that everyone can create and take action on ideas for working smarter, faster and more creatively.

His Inventing, Research and Writings are grounded in:

The Art of Innovation from his experience over 40 years with the likes of Walt Disney, Diageo, Nike, AT&T, Procter & Gamble, Unilever, American Express and over 2,000 other companies.


The Science of Innovation from his quantitative research on applying the systems thinking mindset of Dr. W. Edwards Deming into proven methods for accelerating employee engagement, disruptive innovations and smarter work processes.

In recognition for his pioneering work applying the Systems Thinking Mindset to Innovation, Doug was awarded Honorary Doctorates by the University of Maine and the University of Prince Edward Island Canada.

Doug’s Current Research Areas

    • Psychology of Innovation:  Doug thinks deeply about how to use psychology to help adults overcome their fears, capability gaps and lack of confidence in creating and taking action on new ideas.  This work was inspired by a three year peer-reviewed effort researching and writing the first chapter on Innovation for the prestigious – APA Handbook of Consumer Psychology.  It is also fueled by new Eureka! Ranch Research that finds two thirds of employees don’t see innovations for “working smarter” being a part of their job and/or know how to do it.
    • Engaging Front Line Employees & Managers:  For many years Doug has been frustrated by the data from 3 studies that found that about 50% of the market value of “disruptive innovations” is lost during development & commercialization stages.  To address this, he is focused on discovering and implementing systems for enabling innovation by everyone, every day.

Latest Outcomes from Doug’s Research

  • PROACTIVE Problem Solving Training & Book:  Working with Maggie Nichols and the Eureka! Ranch team, Doug has developed a training program for all employees and their managers.  It teaches them the what, why and how of creating ideas for working smarter.  The program starts with a highly motivational focus on “stopping the stupid” as in the dumb stuff that get’s in the way of employees doing their work.  It then moves to ideas for helping the organization work smarter, faster and more efficiently.  After 3 years of research the training became the PROACTIVE Problem Solving Book.

  • Brain Brew Distillery & Dexter Bourbon Brand:  Just before Covid – Doug and Joe Girgash invented, produced and shipped a collection of brands, products and patented technologies for creating world class bourbon, whisky, rum, cognac and tequila.  Their Dexter Bourbon has been named one of the worlds top 12 bourbons.  Their Custom Bourbon experiences, franchises and products have also won top honors.  Success stories from engaging frontline employees and managers in innovation at Brain Brew are detailed in Doug’s new book PROACTIVE Problem Solving.

Case Study on Brain Brew Distillery & Dexter Bourbon Brand

Author & Performer 

Doug is a best selling author of eight books on Innovation and Courage.  His Jump Start Your Business Brain book was named to Jack Covert’s prestigious list of the 100 best business books of all time.

He has starred in two network television series (ABC American Inventor, W Network Backyard Inventor) and a nationally syndicated radio program (Brain Brew Radio).  Doug also authored and performed a one man play, North Pole Tenderfoot on his adventure recreating Admiral Peary’s last dash to the North Pole.   


Doug has an intense curiosity for open fire cooking, making gourmet recipes goof proof, 1800’s whiskey cocktails, bag piping and sailing.  He and his wife & girlfriend of 49 years split their time between Cincinnati, Ohio, Springbrook Prince Edwards island Canada and Aruba.

Founder of Eureka! Ranch &
Co-Founder &  CEO of Brain Brew Distillery

PROACTIVE Problem Solving book cover

Reactions to Doug’s Latest Book

PROACTIVE Problem Soving

January 2025

“This is quite simply a brilliant book in it’s clarity, practical application and easily digested examples.  STOP STUPID – START SMART is a simple, yet powerful thought.  A must read!”

Ken Grier
Founder of De-Still Creative Ltd.

“Doug provides understanding and guidance on the vital importance of stimulating joy in work, by enabling employees to become part of the improvement of their work systems.  When employees are engaged, a chain reaction of increased quality, efficiency and productivity is sparked.”

Kevin E. Cahill, President
The W. Edwards Deming Institute

“In this tightly written volume, Doug Hall has made problem solving even easier.  Read it, study it, apply it, try any or all of the techniques, and prepare to be stunningly surprised at the results!”

Barry J Bruns
Colonel, USAF (Ret)

“For anyone who leads teams, serves on teams or wants their organization to perform at a high level, you need to read and truly digest PROACTIVE Problem Solving.  Doug Hall’s strategies, tools and examples will help your business achieve more than you thought possible.”

R. Bruce Montgomery Jr.
Senior Operating Partner
Bourne Partners

“Only Doug Hall could make PROACTIVE Problem Solving seem so effortless.  Doug’s energy for changing the world, one pioneer at a time is admirable.  His unwavering determination, and relentless pursuit to teach others how to make a meaningful difference redefines what is possible.”

Corrine Dupuy
Assistant Dean, College of Engineering
University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Doug Hall Lecture & Events – A fun video showcasing the
“Presentation Styles” Doug can Deliver for
Your Company &/or Group.

An Award Winning CBC segment featuring Doug Hall as Town Doctor,
where he had 48 hours to help 3 small businesses with Innovations.

To schedule a conversation with Doug, see how he can customize an Experience &/or Training for your group – click here.


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