Innovation News

Celebrating the Art & Science of Innovation

Authored by Doug Hall & Maggie Nichols

Books by Doug Hall

Driving Eureka!

Transform the art of innovation into a reliable system! System Driven Innovation enables you and everyone on your team to use innovation to work smarter, faster, and more creatively. It transforms innovation from a random act to a reliable science.

The Maverick Mindset is the highest order of courage. With courage you can reach beyond yourself. It takes courage to turn a dream into a reality. It takes courage just to have a dream in the first place. But where can you find courage? And how can you use courage to draw true satisfaction from your life? For each of us the journey to find courage is different, but within the pages of The Maverick Mindset you’ll find the wisdom and inspiration necessary to discover the courage to follow your own heart and lead a fulfilled life.


Jump Start Your Brain Version 2.0 is your guide to a counter-corporate culture approach to creativity, urging you to break rules with childlike abandonment – and have fun doing it.

What makes this book unique: The methods Doug uses are tried and tested ways to make your brain 500% more creative! Get your cranium flowing with new feats of imagination.


Jump Start Your Business Brain gives you the data-proven methods that can make you measurably more effective when it comes to sales, marketing and business development. 

Importantly, every method has been real-world valideated during inventing projects with such leading companies as American Express, Johnson & Johnson, John Hancock Insurance, The Ford Motor Company, Tropicana, Frito-Lay, Procter & Gamble, Nike, Bank of America, Roche Diagnostics, Circuit City and Walt Disney. 

North Pole Adventure

Join Doug Hall on an adventure to the top of the earth – the North Pole. Leading the expedition is Paul Schurke of Ely, Minnesota, a genuine adventure hero.

As a brilliant businessman, Hall helps the world’s leading companies with big ideas and bold innovations, but on this trip he is a rookie, a raw beginner. In Admiral Peary’s words, he is a “tenderfoot.”
Peary had long been Hall’s hero, and following in the great explorer’s footsteps was a dream the tenderfoot wanted to fulfill. In fulfilling, that dream, he also hoped to raise awareness for his Great Aspirations! charity, which focuses on teaching parents how to inspire their children.

North Pole Adventure

Join Doug Hall on an adventure to the top of the earth – the North Pole. Leading the expedition is Paul Schurke of Ely, Minnesota, a genuine adventure hero.

As a brilliant businessman, Hall helps the world’s leading companies with big ideas and bold innovations, but on this trip he is a rookie, a raw beginner. In Admiral Peary’s words, he is a “tenderfoot.”
Peary had long been Hall’s hero, and following in the great explorer’s footsteps was a dream the tenderfoot wanted to fulfill. In fulfilling, that dream, he also hoped to raise awareness for his Great Aspirations! charity, which focuses on teaching parents how to inspire their children.

Meaningful Marketing

Learn how to sell more with less effort.

Meaningful Marketing is a powerful new approach to sales and marketing that will multiply the impact of every dollar you invest and every hour you spend working. 

Meaningful Marketing isa bout honesty. It’s about respecting your customers’ intelligence. It’s about focusing your energies on how you and your offering make a genuine difference in your customers’ lives.

After reading Meaningful Marketing, you will know how to more effectively and efficiently market and sell: Your brand, your services, our products and even yourself!


In Jump Start Your Brain,  Doug shares the wit and wisdom of the Eureka! Mansion experience — It will make you laugh — give you the courage to try — rekindle your spirt of adventure.