Doug is traveling this week to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas to stimulus mine for disruptive “idea starters”. What he will not be looking for is WHAT companies are offering. Rather, he will be focused on the WHY & HOW of exhibitor...
Over the thanksgiving holiday in the USA I was in a creative mood Instead of doing our families classic recipes i set out to create new traditions. In doing this set the constraint that the new recipes had to feature our flagship Dexter three wood...
If you wou’d not be forgottenAs soon as you are dead and rotten,Either write things worth reading,or do things worth the writing.Ben Franklin After a year of adventures – I have some things that I hope you find “worth the writing” This week my mind...
We are really proud to introduce our new Dexter Straight Bourbon. It’s the best bourbon we’ve ever made – named one of only 12 bourbons on the Ultimate Spirits list of the top 100 spirits. It’s named after Edmund Dexter one of the most famous...
We are really proud to introduce our new Dexter Straight Bourbon. It’s the best bourbon we’ve ever made – named one of only 12 bourbons on the Ultimate Spirits list of the Top 100 Spirits. It’s named after Edmund Dexter one of the most famous pre-prohibition...
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