“It’s important that everyone have something important to do.” 
Paul Schurke said this as we embarked on an adventure to recreate Admiral Peary’s Last Dash to the North Pole. As the expedition leader Paul explained that he didn’t want people on the trip who would take unreasonable risks because they had nothing to look forward to.
As is common with Paul there was also a deeper second meaning. Paul was speaking about the importance of having great aspirations. Paul dreams big and takes action on those dreams. Others feel exhausted by his energy – he fuels his soul with his adventures. My trip with him was in 1999 – if you
CLICK HERE you can see how he never stops.
I was reminded of Paul today as I visited Bob Morrison and team at our new Brain Brew Custom WHISKeY distillery at the Windsor & Eton Brewery in Windsor just outside of London UK. (That’s Bob and I in our small but mighty first packaging facility at our new distillery) During 2019, the year I turned 60 – my team and I have opened a distillery at the Eureka! Ranch and soon in the UK. Today we make products that are in 40 of the 50 US states and we’ve won Double Gold Medals and 95 ratings for our WoodCraft whiskey spirits.
Paul Schurke – changes the world by changing people’s perceptions of themselves and the planet.
Brain Brew Crew changes the world by enabling whiskey to be of the people, by the people and for the people. Because frankly, everyone deserves their own WHISKeY! And just wait till you see what important things we have planned for 2020!
So what are you waiting for – as we say with Innovation Engineering – get up, get out and do Cool S#it that Matters!
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