Innovation News

Celebrating the Art & Science of Innovation

Authored by Doug Hall & Maggie Nichols

This past weekend I learned the importance of SELLING INNOVATIONS on IMG_2627profitability.

The scene was the Artisan Market at the Kentucky’s Edge Bourbon Festival.  Our Brain Brew Custom WHISKeY team had a booth where we introduced our new Riverboat Collection of Craft Whiskies.   

We faced three solid competitors.  And it was a challenge as our drink price was $10 – versus $6 for our competitors.

In the OLD WORLD focus on simple product innovation – we would have pitched why our double gold medal, patent pending products were preferred versus others.

In the NEW WORLD view of innovations in product, production sales and marketing – we told about our product AND we offered consumers the opportunity to sample a “flight” of our 4 whiskies (1/2 ounce pours of each) using our patent pending Flight Trays. 

What would you rather be asked to do?

Option A:  Be asked to sell 4 Great Whiskies

Option B:  Be asked to sell 4 Great Whiskies WITH THE HELP of an Innovative FLIGHT TRAY Merchandising system.

BOTTOM LINE:  Based on visual observation we sold more than our three competitors combined AND at a higher price!   It transformed everyone working our booth into great sales people. 

So what are you waiting for?   Innovate on HOW YOU SELL to help accelerate the success of your innovative service or product.