Doug is a Renaissance Innovator, Entrepreneur, Professional Inventor, Author, Actor, Playwright, North Pole Explorer, Foodie, Mixologist, Bourbon Maker, Magician, Juggler, Husband, Father and Grand Father.
He’s a Chemical Engineer by education, who over 10 years rose to the rank of Master Marketing Inventor at Procter & Gamble setting a company record creating and shipping 9 innovations in 12 months. He is the Founder and Chairman of The Eureka! Ranch, an innovation training and consulting firm.
In 1986, he founded the Eureka! Ranch. As Doug says, “The Eureka! Ranch’s mission is the same as mine. It exists to change the world through systems that enable everyone to think and act smarter, faster and more innovatively.”
Research indicates the average US home uses 18 products and/or services that the Ranch Team has helped invent or reinvent for companies such as Walt Disney, Diagio, Nike, AT&T, Procter & Gamble, Unilever, American Express and hundreds of others.
In 2009, Doug founded Innovation Engineering. It’s a new field of academic study and leadership science focused on System Driven Innovation. Innovation Engineering applies the system thinking of Dr. W. Edwards Deming to Innovation. It’s taught as an undergraduate minor and graduate certificate on college campuses and off campus executive education programs.
Doug is also co-founder of The Dexter Bourbon company. It’s flagship, Dexter Three Wood Bourbon has been named one of the top 12 bourbons in the world. The team also created and produced Noble Oak Bourbon in partnership with Edrington, that was the fastest growing super premium bourbon during COVID.
Doug is a best selling author of eight books on Innovation and Courage. His Jump Start Your Business Brain book was named to Jack Covert’s prestigious list of the 100 best business books of all time.
He has starred in two network television series (ABC American Inventor, W Network Backyard Inventor) and a nationally syndicated radio program (Brain Brew Radio). Doug also authored and performed a one man play, North Pole Tenderfoot on his adventure recreating Admiral Peary’s last dash to the North Pole.
For his pioneering work on System Driven Innovation, Doug was awarded Honorary Doctorates by the University of Maine and the University of Prince Edward Island.
Quotes That Capture Doug’s Essence
Net Promoter Score for Eureka! Experience that Doug lead for an industrial company = 74 (For perspective this is as high as Apple , Amazon and Southwest Airlines))
“Doug provides understanding and guidance on the vital importance of stimulating joy in work by enabling employees to become part of the improvement of their work systems. He challenges us to stop stifling the natural motivations that fuel employee joy. When employees are engaged a chain reaction of increased quality, efficiency and productivity is sparked.” — Kevin E. Cahill, Executive Director, The W. Edwards Deming Institute
“Eureka! Ranch’s unconventional approach has won raves from some of the biggest corporations.” — CNN
“When Doug meets Disney, creativity ne’er wanes. Our team explodes when he jump-starts our brains!” — Ellen Guidera, VP, The Walt Disney Company
“Eureka! Ranch . . . has developed more new products (or offshoots of existing ones) than any other organization in America.” — New York Magazine
“America’s #1 Idea Guru” — A&E Top 10
“Eureka! Ranch goes to any length to encourage a fresh perspective . . . clients say it works.” — Wall Street Journal
“Doug Hall has a method to his madness, a rigorous, quantifiable process for inventing breakthrough ideas for clients. Unlike many creative gurus hustling ideation wares in the corporate marketplace, Doug makes it imperative that his Eureka! Inventing processes are quantified every step of the way.” — Todd Datz, Features Editor, CIO magazine
“Hall has a habit of thinking big. His credentials are impeccable.” — Unlimited Magazine, Scotland
“[Doug Hall is] an eccentric entrepreneur who just might have what we’ve all been looking for, the happy secret to success.” — Dateline NBC